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作者:    时间:2021-09-15    点击数:

1.Baofeng Zhenga,Xiangting Zhanga,Dan Zhanga,Fangke Wanga,Zhibo Zhenga,Xinyi Yangb,Qing Yangb,Yanhua Songa*,Bo Zoub*,Haifeng Zoua*,Ultra-wideband phosphor Mg2Gd8(SiO4)6O2:Ce3+,Mn2+: Energy transfer and pressure-driven color tuning for potential applications in LEDs and pressure sensors[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal 427 (2022) 131897.


2.Qianran Zhao, Benfu Qian, Yulu Wang, Tianzheng Duan, Haifeng Zou, Yanhua Song, Ye Sheng*. Facile synthesis of CaO:Eu3+ and comparative study on the luminescence properties of CaO:Eu3+ and CaCO3:Eu3+[J]. Journal of Luminescence, 241(2022), 118491.


3.Zhibo Zhenga, Dan Zhanga, Baofeng Zhenga, Yanhua Songa, Xiangting Zhangb,*, Keyan Zhenga, Ye Shenga, and Haifeng Zoua,*, Two strategies to achieve color adjustment of Eu2+-doped garnet Lu2Mg2Al2Si2O12 phosphors[J]. Journal of Luminescence, 243(2022), 118651.


4.Dan Zhanga, Baofeng Zhenga, Zhibo Zhenga, Liang Lib, Qing Yangc, Yanhua Songa,*,Bo Zouc,*, and Haifeng Zoua,*, Multifunctional Ca9NaZn1-yMgy(PO4)7:Eu2+ phosphor for full-spectrum lighting, optical thermometry and pressure sensor applications[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 431(2022), 133805.


5.Dan Zhanga, Lei Jib, Yanhua Songa, Haifeng Zoua, Baofeng Zhenga, Qi Suna, Zhibo Zhenga, Keyan Zhenga,*, Pressure-driven Eu2+-doped K3Sc(PO4)2: A broad cyan-green emitting phosphor for closing the cyan cavity in solid-state lighting and applying in optical pressure sensor[J]. Journal of Luminescence, 245(2022), 118798.


6.Yulu Wang, Benfu Qian, Qianran Zhao, Tianzheng Duan, Funa Xie, Haifeng Zou, Yanhua Song, Xiuqing Zhou, Ye Sheng*. Controllable synthesis of bifunctional material Ca2Ti2O6:Eu3+ and its comparative study on luminescence and photocatalytic properties with CaTiO3:Eu3+[J]. Ceramics International,2022,48(12): 17157-17170.


7. Qi Sun, Shuwen Yin, Xue Xiao, Yanhua Song,* Xiuqing Zhou, Ye Sheng, Keyan Zheng, Zhan Shi, and Haifeng Zou*. Systematic Study on the Luminescent Properties, Thermal Stability, and Magnetic Behavior of GdOF: RE3+ (RE = Eu, Yb, and Er) Red Phosphors with Various Morphologies[J]. Inorg. Chem, 2022, 61, 10642−10651.


8. Zhibo Zheng, Shaopu Liu, Yusen Jie, Yuancheng Wang, Dan Zhang, Baofeng Zheng, Yanxia Zhao, Yanhua Song,* Zhan Shi, and Haifeng Zou*. A Triple-Doped Phosphor Strategy for the Conversion of Cool and Warm White Light[J]. Inorg. Chem, 2022, 61, 14211-14223.


9. Xue Xiao, Qi Sun, Tingwei Hu, Yanhua Song*, Xiuqing Zhou, Keyan Zheng, Ye Sheng, Zhan Shi, and Haifeng Zou*. Multifunctional CaF2: Yb3+, Ho3+, Gd3+ Nanocrystals: Insight into Crystal Growth and Properties of Upconversion Luminescence, Magnetic, and Temperature Sensing Properties[J].Inorg Chem, 2022, 61, 14934–14946.
